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- ÃÖ¿ì¼ö Æ÷½ºÅÍ»ó: Impact of progesterone on mechanism of preterm premature rupture of membrane
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- ÃÖ¿ì¼ö Æ÷½ºÅÍ»ó: Triphenyl Phosphate Activates ER/NF-kB/Cyclin D1 Signaling Pathway to
Stimulate Cell Cycle Progression of Human Endometrial Cancer Cells
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- ÃÖ¿ì¼ö Æ÷½ºÅÍ»ó: New screening method for cervical dysplasia using electrical impedance
spectrum: Main research article
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- ÃÖ¿ì¼ö Æ÷½ºÅÍ»ó: Preventive effect of Lumbrokinase on post-surgical intra-abdominal adhesion