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Æ÷½ºÅÍ(E-Poster) ¹ßÇ¥ ¾È³»

  • 1. ¹ßÇ¥ ÇüÅ : E-poster ÇüÅ·ΠDID Àü½Ã
  • - Æ÷½ºÅÍ »çÀÌÁî : °¡·Î 78cm, ¼¼·Î 138cm
  • - ÆÄÀÏ ÇüÅ : PDF 1Àå
  • * 10¿ù 23ÀÏ(¿ù)±îÁö Á¦Ãâ Çʼö
  • * ¹ÌÁ¦Ã⠽à ¹ßÇ¥ Æ÷±â·Î °£ÁÖ
  • 2. ¹ßÇ¥ ½Ã°£ : 5ºÐ (3ºÐ ¹ßÇ¥, 2ºÐ ÁúÀÇÀÀ´ä)
  • 3. ¹ßÇ¥ ¾ð¾î : ±¹¹® ¶Ç´Â ¿µ¾î
  • 4. ¹ßÇ¥ ½Ã°£ : 11¿ù 10ÀÏ(±Ý) 14:00-16:30
  • * Èñ¸Á Àοø¿¡ µû¶ó ½Ã°£ Á¶Á¤µÉ ¼ö ÀÖÀ½


Original Article »çȸ: ¾î°æÁø(¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë)
PO-OB01 The association between maternal lipid profile in early pregnancy and birth outcomes in Korean pregnant women ±èÃÊ·Õ (°­¿øÀÇ´ë)
PO-OB02 Prenatal Ultrasound Characteristics of CHARGE Syndrome ÀÌÁøÇÏ (¿ï»êÀÇ´ë) 14:00-14:05
PO-OB03 Evaluation of stress levels in low-risk, high-risk pregnancies È«¼öÁ¤ (°í·ÁÀÇ´ë)
PO-OB04 Diagnosis of interstitial pregnancy: validation of ultrasound criteria ÀÌÀºÁø (¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë) 14:05-14:10
PO-OB05 ÀüÄ¡ ÅÂ¹Ý »ê¸ð¿¡¼­ ÅÂ¹Ý À§Ä¡¿¡ µû¸¥ ºÒ·®ÇÑ ÀӽŠ¿¹ÈÄ¿ÍÀÇ °ü°è ±Ç¹ÌÁÖ (°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë)
PO-OB06 Vaginal microbiota of pregnant women with Mycoplasma spp. Infection ¿À°ü¿µ (À»ÁöÀÇ´ë)
PO-OB07 Comparison of computational prediction model performance for gestational diabetes mellitus in Korean Pregnancy Outcome Study (KPOS) ÃÖ¿ëÁØ (Â÷ÀÇ°úÇдë)
PO-OB08 24ÁÖ ÀÌÈÄ ÀڱðæºÎ ´ÜÃà »ê¸ð¿¡¼­ Áú³» ÇÁ·Î°Ô½ºÅ×·ÐÀÇ Á¶»ê ¹æÁö È¿°ú ÀÌÈ«¿¬ (°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë)
PO-OB09 Risk of mortality and cerebral palsy in offsprings according to the uncomplicated cerclage placement in twin pregnancy: A national cohort study over the 15 years ±è¼ö¹Î (¼º±Õ°üÀÇ´ë)
PO-OB10 Changes in maternal health due to multiple-metal exposure: Changes in total cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and association between premature birth and gestational diabetes Á¤¼ö¿µ (ÀÌÈ­ÀÇ´ë)
PO-OB11 Novel technology using AI-based MALDI-TOF/MS for prediction of spontaneous preterm delivery ¾ç¼öÁö (Â÷ÀÇ°úÇдë)
PO-OB12 Expression and polymorphism of serotonin system in the placenta of pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus ¿ÀÇÏÀº (°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë)
PO-OB13 Comparison of maternal 2D-echocardiographic findings according to the disease severity of preeclampsia in a single tertiary center ÀÌ½Â¹Ì (°æºÏÀÇ´ë) 14:10-14:15
PO-OB14 How ACE2 and TMPRSS2 Expression impacts Patients With Preeclampsia ±ÇÀÌÀ± (°æ»óÀÇ´ë)
PO-OB15 Systematic Proteome Profiling of Maternal Plasma for Development of Predictive Biomarker of Spontaneous Preterm Birth ±èÁÖ¿¬ (Â÷ÀÇ°úÇдë)
PO-OB16 Proteomic Biomarkers of Maternal Plasma for Prediction of Gestational Diabate Mellitus ÃÖ¿ëÁØ (Â÷ÀÇ°úÇдë)
PO-OB17 Lipidomic profiling of preeclamptic placenta according to severe features ÀÓÁöÇý (Â÷ÀÇ°úÇдë)
PO-OB18 Metabolomic profiling of preeclamptic placenta according to severe features ÀÓÁöÇý (Â÷ÀÇ°úÇдë)
PO-OB19 Á¤¹ÐÃÊÀ½ÆÄÅë°è ÈÄÇâÀû¿¬±¸ : ±âÇü¾ÆÀÇ Á¾·ù ¹× º¯È­ ±èÅÂÈñ (¼øõÇâÀÇ´ë)
PO-OB20 Factors associated with spontaneous preterm birth after physical examination-indicated cerclage: An 10-year retrospective cohort study ÀÌÈò¼Ö (Ãæ³²ÀÇ´ë)
PO-OB21 Prediction of preterm birth according to gestation, using a machine learning algorithm À̼±ÀÇ (°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë)
PO-OB22 A study on the clinical characteristics of postpartum hemorrhage patients requiring surgical treatment ½Å¿ø±³ (Ãæ³²ÀÇ´ë)
Case Report »çȸ: ¾î°æÁø(¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë)
PC-OB01 A Case of sudden onset of dyspnea and pulmonary edema after pregnancy with severe Rheumatic Mitral stenosis in Cambodian women in Korea. È«ÈñÁÖ (°­¿øÀÇ´ë)
PC-OB02 Success vaginal delivery of pregnancy with cervical varices unrelated to placenta previa : A case report ¼Õ¿¹À± (°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë)
PC-OB03 A case report: Belatedly discovered prenatal inguinoscrotal hernia ±¸Áö¿¬ (Áß¾ÓÀÇ´ë)
PC-OB04 ¾ç¼ö»öÀüÁõÀ¸·Î ÀÎÇÏ¿© ¹ß»ýÇÑ »öÀü ³úÁ¹Áß ½ÅÁøÈ£ (Á¦ÁÖÀÇ´ë)
PC-OB05 Diabetes insipidus associated with pre-eclampsia: A case report ¼­Çö°æ (°æ»óÀÇ´ë)
PC-OB06 The first case on the efficacy of Aspirin combined with Hydroxychloroquine in high risk pregnancies for preeclampsia: study protocol for a multicenter, open-label, single-arm trial HUGS study ¹Ú¼Ò¹Ì (¼º±Õ°üÀÇ´ë)
PC-OB07 Uterine artery pseudoaneurysm after cesarean section À̼öÁø (´Ü±¹ÀÇ´ë)
PC-OB08 Successful management of Delayed interval delivery : a case report ÀÌÇØÀÎ (°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë)
PC-OB09 Recurrent placental abruption at the same gestational age: Case report ¼Õ¿¹À± (°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë)
PC-OB10 A case of patent urachus prenatal diagnosis by ultrasonography and fetal MRI ¹æÈñ¿µ (Àü³²ÀÇ´ë)
PC-OB11 Insights from a Rare Case of 14q Trisomy: Clinical Manifestations and Genetic Associations ÇѺ° (¿ï»êÀÇ´ë)
PC-OB12 Umbilical cord edema accompanied by a patent urachal cyst ±èÇöÁø (ºÎ»êÀÇ´ë) 15:05-15:10
PC-OB13 ÁßÁõ ±Ù¹«·ÂÁõ »ê¸ðÀÇ ÀӽŰú Ãâ»ê : Áõ·Ê º¸°í ±èÅ¿µ (¼øõÇâÀÇ´ë)
PC-OB14 Partial molar pregnancy with a concomitant normal singleton fetus : a case report ÀÌÀ¯Áø (¼­¿ïÀÇ´ë)
PC-OB15 Pneumocephalus following epidural anesthesia during labor ÀÌ°æÁø (ÀÎÇÏÀÇ´ë)
PC-OB16 Case report of a large chorioangioma with refractory polyhydramnios and multiple fetal anomalies in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy Àӽ¿¬ (¼øõÇâÀÇ´ë)
PC-OB17 A case of Successive term delivery in women with stable HIV infection ±Ç°æ¿¬ (°¡ÃµÀÇ´ë) 15:10-15:15
PC-OB18 Poor obstetric prognosis of fulminant Type 1 diabetes mellitus during pregnancy: A Case Report ÀÌÁö¾ð (°æºÏÀÇ´ë)
PC-OB19 Myotonic dystrophy in pregnancy; A report of two cases within one woman ¹è¹Ì·¡ (°í·ÁÀÇ´ë) 15:15-15:20
PC-OB20 Uterine arteriovenous malformation (UAVM) in late postpartum hemorrhage: A case report ÃÖ¼ö¶õ (ÀÎÇÏÀÇ´ë)
PC-OB21 One case of Successful management of Congenital diaphragmatic hernia(CDH) : Prenatal Detection and Postnatal management with Interdisciplinary Approach ¹Ú¼ÒÈñ (°¡ÃµÀÇ´ë) 15:20-15:25
PC-OB22 Rare Deep Vein Thrombosis in Pregnancy and Postpartum; Upper Extremities Vein, Ovarian Vein, Portal Vein and Superior Mesenteric Vein ±èÁöÀ± (Â÷ÀÇ°úÇдë) 15:25-15:30
PC-OB23 Ç×ÀÎÁöÁúÇ×ü ¾ç¼º »ê¸ðÀÇ °ü¸® ¹Ú¼ÒÈñ (¼øõÇâÀÇ´ë) 15:30-15:35
PC-OB24 Rupture of vaginal artery aneurysm after vaginal delivery ±èÀϵ¿ (±¹¸³Áß¾ÓÀÇ·á¿ø)


Original Article »çȸ: ¾î°æÁø(¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë)
PO-GO01 Adverse events of Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy versus Intravenous Chemotherapy for Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Patients Á¤À±Á¤ (ÇѸ²ÀÇ´ë)
PO-GO03 Initial experience with the da Vinci SP robot-assisted surgical staging of endometrial cancer: a retrospective comparison with conventional laparotomy ¼±±âÀº (¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë) 14:15-14:20
PO-GO04 The effect of cold coagulation treatment in reproductive age women with high grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia ¼±±âÀº (¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë) 14:20-14:25
PO-GO05 Assessment of FIGO 2023 staging in predicting prognosis of endometrial cancer compared to FIGO 2009 staging: A single center study of 3,989 cases ±è¼ö¹Î (¼º±Õ°üÀÇ´ë)
PO-GO06 Factors Associated With Uptake Of Risk-Reducing Salpingo-Oophorectomy In BRCA 1/2 Mutation Carriers: Single Center Experience ±èº¸¶ó (ÀÌÈ­ÀÇ´ë)
PO-GO07 Glyoxalase 1: a novel biomarker of cervical cancer ¹è¼öÁø (°­¿øÀÇ´ë)
PO-GO08 Knockdown of E-cadherin expression promote cervical cancer progression through EGFR signaling pathway. ÇÑ°üÈñ (ÀÎÁ¦ÀÇ´ë)
PO-GO09 The Discrepancy of Somatic BRCA1/2 Pathogenic Variants from Two Different Genetic Test Platforms in Epithelial Peritoneal, Ovarian, and Fallopian Tube Cancer ±èÁöÇö (±¹¸³¾Ï¼¾ÅÍ)
PO-GO10 A Phase III Randomized Controlled Trial in Primary Stage Three and Four Ovarian Cancer After Interval Cytoreductive Surgery (FOCUS/KOV-HIPEC-04) ±èÁöÇö (±¹¸³¾Ï¼¾ÅÍ)
PO-GO11 Selective adjuvant radiation therapy for distant lymph node metastasis in patients with stage 4B epithelial ovarian cancer: A four-case series ¹ÚÀ¯ºó (ÀÎÁ¦ÀÇ´ë)
PO-GO12 Prognostic factors in neuroendocrine carcinoma of the uterine cervix À̽ÂÁØ (¼­¿ïÀÇ´ë)
PO-GO13 Non-inferior survival outcomes between laparoscopic and open radical hysterectomy in early cervical cancer with incidentally identified pathologic high-risk factors À̽ÂÁØ (¼­¿ïÀÇ´ë)
PO-GO14 Prognostic factors in early endometrial cancer : A cohort study of postmenopausal women ÀÌÁö¼ö (ÀÎÁ¦ÀÇ´ë)
PO-GO15 Is safe ovarian preservation in premenopausal women with low-risk endometrioid endometrial cancer? ÁÖ¿ìö (Àü³²ÀÇ´ë)
PO-GO16 The effect of pelvic lymphadenectomy on the prognosis of stage IA grade-3 endometrial endometrioid cancer ÁÖ¿ìö (Àü³²ÀÇ´ë)
PO-GO17 Correlation between HOXA-AS3 expression and tumor progression through the epithelial-mesenchymal transition pathway in epithelial ovarian cancer ÀÌ¿µÁÖ (¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë) 14:25-14:30
PO-GO18 Correlation between HOXA-AS3 expression and tumor progression through the epithelial-mesenchymal transition pathway in epithelial ovarian cancer À±ÇüÁØ (ºÎ»êÀÇ´ë)
Case Report »çȸ: ¾î°æÁø(¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë)
PC-GO01 Pan-TRK immunohistochemical stain-positive uterine sarcoma without NTRK gene fusions ÀüÀ¯¶ó (°è¸íÀÇ´ë)
PC-GO02 Synchronous endometrium, ovary and lung primary carcinoma ; A case report ä¾Æ¿µ (¿ï»êÀÇ´ë)
PC-GO03 Vulvar perivascular epithelioid cell tumor : A case report Á¤¼öÈ­ (Ãæ³²ÀÇ´ë)
PC-GO04 Case Description of Collison tumor of cervix with VaIN À¯ °æ (°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë)
PC-GO05 Adenoid cystic carcinoma among Bartholin¡¯s gland carcinoma Á¤¼ö¹Î (Ãæ³²ÀÇ´ë)
PC-GO06 NUT carcinoma Presenting with Ovarian Metastases ¹ÚÁöÇö (Ä¥°î°æºÏÀÇ´ë)
PC-GO07 Uterine small cell carcinoma mimicking intramural myoma ¹ÎÁö¿¬ (¿ï»êÀÇ´ë)
PC-GO08 Uncommon Epithelioid Mesothelial Tumor of Salpinx and Peritoneum : A case report ÀÌÀ¯Áø (°æ»óÀÇ´ë)
PC-GO09 SMAD4 gene mutation found in endometrial cancer patient, Myhre syndrome ±èÇýÁø (ÀÎÁ¦ÀÇ´ë)
PC-GO10 Pulmonary metastasis of borderline mucinous ovarian tumor: a case report ¾È¼ººó (ÀÎÁ¦ÀÇ´ë)
PC-GO11 Selective adjuvant radiation therapy for distant lymph node metastasis in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer : Four case series ¿À½Â¿¬ (°í½ÅÀÇ´ë)
PC-GO12 û¼Ò³â±â °Å´ë Á¡¾×¼º °æ°è¼º ³­¼ÒÁ¾¾ç ȯÀÚ 1·Ê ±èÅÂÈñ (¼øõÇâÀÇ´ë)
PC-GO13 A case report of gestational ovarian choriocarcinoma initially misdiagnosed as ectopic pregnancy À±ÁÖÈñ (°Ç¾çÀÇ´ë)
PC-GO14 Pulmonary cryptococcosis masquerading as lung metastasis in gynecologic cancers: two case reports À̽½ÀÌ (ºÎ»êÀÇ´ë) 15:35-15:40
PC-GO15 Stage 1A Uterine Adenosarcoma without sarcomatous overgrowth: incongruent clinical features with the name of sarcoma ÀÓ¼öºó (°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë)
PC-GO16 Peritoneal tuberculosis mimicking peritoneal carcinomatosis: an important differential diagnosis ÇÑÇýÁÖ (°­¿øÀÇ´ë)
PC-GO17 A first case of uterine lymphangioleiomyomatosis with spontaneous rupture in a young woman. ÀÌÀº¹Î (¿ï»êÀÇ´ë)
PC-GO18 Title: Vulvar basal cell carcinoma in postmenopausal women: two case reports ÃÖÈ­¿¬ (µ¿¾ÆÀÇ´ë)
PC-GO19 Fortuitously detected primary ovarian carcinoid tumor ÃÖÈ­¿¬ (µ¿¾ÆÀÇ´ë)
PC-GO20 Primary solid pseudopapillary tumor of ovary in 31-year-old woman: A case report and review of the literature ÇãÀ¯Áø (°æºÏÀÇ´ë) 15:40-15:45


Original Article »çȸ: ¾î°æÁø(¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë)
PO-RE01 Factors associated with outcomes of the first controlled ovarian stimulation in women with severe endometriosis ¼ÛÀºÁö (¼­¿ïÀÇ´ë) 14:30-14:35
PO-RE02 Analysis of patient factors affecting the first programmed embryo transfer outcomes in freeze-all policy: a single, tertiary center experience ÀÌÇöÁÖ (ºÎ»êÀÇ´ë) 14:35-14:40
PO-RE03 Microbial environment of follicular fluids in endometriosis patients ¾È¼±¾Æ (°¡ÃµÀÇ´ë) 14:40-14:45
PO-RE04 Expression of micro RNA-4516 in urinary exosome in Korean women °­ÀçÈñ (°¡ÃµÀÇ´ë) 14:45-14:50
PO-RE05 Effect of black cohosh with St. John¡¯s wort (Feramin-Q¢ç) on breast density in Korean postmenopausal women ÀÌÁö¿ì (¼­¿ïÀÇ´ë)
PO-RE06 Associations between Maternal MTHFR polymorphisms and embryological outcomes in Korean infertile patients undergoing IVF/ICSI cycles °íÀ¯¶ó (Â÷ÀÇ°úÇдë)
PO-RE07 Bioinformatics and integrated pharmacology network to identify the therapeutic targets and potential molecular mechanism of alpha-lipoic acid on primary ovarian insufficiency Kong Deqi (°í·ÁÀÇ´ë) 14:50-14:55
PO-RE08 Relationship between female reproductive life span and presence of albuminuria using population-based study in Korea (KNHANES) Á¶¿¬¼­ (¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë)
PO-RE09 Structural analysis of ovarian reserve in non-human primate ovaries ±èÀ±¿µ (¼­¿ïÀÇ´ë) 14:55-15:00
PO-RE10 Comparative analysis of endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondrial, meiotic spindle, and chromosome morphology changes in cryopreserved mouse oocytes: Conventional vs. ultra-fast vitrification À¯ÀºÈñ (ºÎ»êÀÇ´ë)
PO-RE11 Factors associated with outcomes of controlled ovarian stimulation for fertility preservation in adolescent and young adult women ¼ÕÈñÁø (¼­¿ïÀÇ´ë)
Case Report »çȸ: ¾î°æÁø(¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë)
PC-RE01 Robotic single-site tubal reanastomosis: Initial experience °û¹ÎÁ¤ (Â÷ÀÇ°úÇдë)
PC-RE02 Àڱà ³» ÇÇÀÓÀåÄ¡¸¦ »ðÀÔÇÑ ¿©¼ºÀÇ ÀӽŠÁõ·Êº¸°í ±èÅÂÈñ (¼øõÇâÀÇ´ë)


Original Article »çȸ: ¾î°æÁø(¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë)
PO-GG01 Association of depression with myoma uteri in south Korean young women À̾ƶó (°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë)
PO-GG02 Is it safe and feasible to use in-bag power morcellation during robotic myomectomy surgery? Á¶Çý¿¬ (ÇѸ²ÀÇ´ë) 15:00-15:05
PO-GG03 Conservative management of interstitial pregnancy with ultrasound-guided intraamnionic Methotrexate injection ½Å¹Ì·¡ (°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë)
PO-GG04 Bioinformatic approach for unveiling the different gene expression and pathological pathways in pelvic organ prolapse. ¼ÛÁ¤¹Î (°æÈñÀÇ´ë)
PO-GG05 Impact of Lactobacillus reuteri on human endometrial cells Àü¾È³ª (¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë)
PO-GG06 Relationship between paratubal cyst and phenotype of polycystic ovary syndrome in young women ȫäÀº (¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë)
PO-GG07 Forest healing programs for health Improvement in single mothers: clinical research with meta-analysis and systematic review ÀÌ°æÁÖ (±¹¸³ÀçÈ°¿ø)
PO-GG08 Short term outcome of laparoscopic hysteropexy for apical prolapse: single-center experience ÀÌ¿µÁø (ÀÎÁ¦ÀÇ´ë)
PO-GG09 A Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) Analysis of Learning Curve for Robot-Assisted Sacrocolpopexy(RSCP) in Pelvic Organ Prolapse. ¼ÛÁ¤¹Î (°æÈñÀÇ´ë)
PO-GG10 ºñ¸¸°ú »êºÎÀΰú ¿©¼º Áúȯ°úÀÇ °ü°è ºÐ¼®¿¬±¸ ±èÅÂÈñ (¼øõÇâÀÇ´ë)
PO-GG11 Comparison of two-step method to conventional method of supracervical resection for solo surgery of single port access of total laparoscopic hysterectomy Á¤µµ¿µ (µ¿ÅºÁ¦ÀϺ´¿ø)
PO-GG12 Vaginal microbiome changes associated with pelvic organ prolapse, pessary usage, and surgical intervention º¯ÀºÁ¤ (°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë)
PO-GG13 Effects of oxytocin on non-perfused volume ratio of Funaki type III leiomyoma or adenomyosis treated by ultrasound-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound Á¤µµ¿µ (µ¿ÅºÁ¦ÀϺ´¿ø)
PO-GG14 A huge vulva tumor treatment ±è°æÁø (ÀüÁÖ¿¹¼öº´¿ø)
PO-GG15 STI cases among transgender and gender diverse patients and importance of sexual history taking À±Á¤¿ø (±¹¸³Áß¾ÓÀÇ·á¿ø)
Case Report »çȸ: ¾î°æÁø(¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë)
PC-GG01 A bilateral ovarian fibroma in an adolescent associated with BRCA 2 mutation. ±èºÎ¿ë (¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë)
PC-GG02 An Accessory Cavitated Uterine Mass diagnosed in 45 years old multiparous women ÃÖ¿µÁÖ (¿¬¼¼ÀÇ´ë)
PC-GG03 A novel treatment for post-operative intractable lower-extremity lymphedema - Inguino-Axillary lymphatic shunt: A case report ¹Ú¿µÇÑ (ÇѸ²ÀÇ´ë) 15:50-15:55
PC-GG04 A case of torsion of leiomyomatosis peritonialis disseminata ¼­Çö°æ (°æ»óÀÇ´ë)
PC-GG05 Heterotopic pregnancy with ipsilateral corpus luteal cyst causing a diagnostic dilemma: A case report ÀÌ½Â¹Ì (°æºÏÀÇ´ë) 15:55-16:00
PC-GG06 Colpopexy with Designed Mesh Interposition in the Correction of Vaginal Vault Prolapse and Rectocele: A case report ÀÌÀ¯Áø (°æ»óÀÇ´ë)
PC-GG07 °í·É ¿©¼ºÀÇ ¾Ç¼ºÀ¸·Î ¿ÀÀ뵃 ¼ö ÀÖ´Â ³­¼Ò ¼¶À¯Á¾ Áõ·Êº¸°í ±èÅÂÈñ (¼øõÇâÀÇ´ë)
PC-GG08 Medical treatment of Endometriosis mimicking advanced ovarian cancer in two young women ±èÁö¾Ö (°¡Å縯ÀÇ´ë)
PC-GG09 º¹º® ³» ÇÇÇÏÁö¹æÃþ¿¡ ¹ß»ýÇÑ Àڱ󻸷Áõ Áõ·Êº¸°í ±èÇÏ¿¬ (¼øõÇâÀÇ´ë)
PC-GG10 Case Report: Changes in hCG level and G-sac size after MTX injections in interstitial ectopic pregnancy ±èÀ±¼÷ (¼øõÇâÀÇ´ë)
PC-GG11 Laparoscopic treatment of a giant cystic adenomyosis with chronic pelvic pain:Rare Case Report Á¤¼Ò¿¬ (¿ï»êÀÇ´ë)
PC-GG12 Retro-peritoneal hematoma due to rupture of pseudo-aneurysm of right ovarian artery because of acupressure hula hoop. °­¹ÎÁö (°æ»óÀÇ´ë)
PC-GG13 Persistent sexual arousal syndrome (PSAS): A case report °­¹ÎÁö (°æ»óÀÇ´ë)
PC-GG14 Diagnosis and Management of an Unusual Pelvic Inclusion Cyst 2 Years After Total laparoscopic hysterectomy in a Transman À±Á¤¿ø (±¹¸³Áß¾ÓÀÇ·á¿ø)
PC-GG15 Green urine after Laparoscopic chromopertubation by Indigo Carmine Á¤¼±¿í (¿ï»êº´¿ø)
PC-GG16 Surgical treatment of enlarged cervical leiomyomas with concomitant uterine prolapse: A case report ¼Û¾Æ¿¬ (°Ç¾çÀÇ´ë)
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  • TEL. 02-6411-7331 / 7311 (ÃÊ·Ï ¹× ±âŸ Çà»ç), 02-3445-2262 (»çÀüµî·Ï)
  • E-Mail.ÃÊ·Ï Á¢¼ö), (±âŸ ¹®ÀÇ)