Nov. 7. 2008 (Fri.) 16:00 ~20:00 Ruby-Sapphire Room(4F)
16:00 ~16:10
   Opening Remark
Soon-Beom Kang (Chairman of the Board, KSOG)
Hong Kyoon Lee (President, KSOG)
16:10 ~18:00
  Medical Structures for diagnostics and treatment of
  Breast Cancer Patients
Moderator: Kyung-Tai Kim(Hanyang Univ)
Peter A. Fasching (Erlangen Univ)
  - Breast Cancer Centers (certification) Matthias W. Beckmann (Germany)
  Basics Moderator: Kyung-Tai Kim(Hanyang Univ)
Peter A. Fasching (Erlangen Univ)
  - Anatomy and Physiology Tae-gyu Ahn (Korea)
  - Epidemiology Tae-gyu Ahn (Korea)
  - Genetics and Pathology (benigne, praemalignant and malignant) Ji-hoon Yu (Korea)
  - Prevention Matthias W. Beckmann (Germany)
18:00~ 18:20
  * Coffee Break with snack
  Diagnostics (1)
Moderator: Sei Jun Han(Chosun Univ)
Peter A. Fasching (Erlangen Univ)
  - Early Breast Cancer Detection and MG Screening
  - Diagnostics (Palpation, MUS, MG, MRT)
  - Assessment (Needle biopsie, Vacuum biopsie)
R. Schulz-Wendtland (Germany)
Nov. 8. 2008 (Sat.) 09:00~17:00 Ruby-Sapphire Room(4F)
  Diagnostics (2)
Moderator: Sei Jun Han(Chosun Univ)
Michal Shrauder (Erlangen Univ)
  - Early Breast Cancer Detection and MG Screening
  - Diagnostics (Palpation, MUS, MG, MRT)
  - Assessment (Needle biopsie, Vacuum biopsie)
R. Schulz-Wendtland (Germany)
  * Coffee Break
11:00~12:30 / 13:30~16:30
  Decision to and different options
Moderator: Byung-Koo Yoon(Sungkyunkwan Univ)
Peter A. Fasching (Erlangen Univ)
Moderator: Im Soon Lee(Soonchunhyang Univ)
Peter A. Fasching (Erlangen Univ)
Matthias W. Beckmann (Germany), Michael Shrauder (Germany), Peter A. Fasching (Germany)

  - Benigne and praemalignant disease
  - Prognostic and predictive factors for malignant disease
  - Decision tree for therapeutic concept
  - Options: Neoadjuvant vs. Adjuvant medical treatment
       Medical Treatment: chemo-, antibody-, antihormonal therapy
       Surgical Treatment: Breast: Conservation vs. Ablatio
      Lymphnodes: Sentinel (SNL) vs. Complete (ALND)
       Radiotherapy Breast: partial vs. complete
        Lymphnodes: yes or no
       Complementary and alternative methods
  * Lunch

  * Coffee Break
  Follow up care
Moderator: Im Soon Lee(Soonchunhyang Univ)
Peter A. Fasching (Erlangen Univ)
Michael Shrauder (Germany)